Without scary bank loans, or investors who want to take a percentage of your hard earned profits?

Watch the video below to find out how, with the Sales to Launch Method;

Why Sales to Launch Works

Sales to launch is my favourite business model for launching a brand, or new collection. It's the method I personally use and that I've suggested for many Client's to use. It works because you can;

Reduce the risk of your First - or next - fashion collection

One of the biggest fears when it comes to starting a fashion brand is the worry that you'll spend a ton of money investing in stock....and then you can't sell it. The pre-selling method greatly reduces this risk, because you'll be finding customers in advance, before you've made any stock. So you'll be able to gauge interest in advance and adjust how much you order accordingly.

fund your production without a bank loan or investors

Most people don't want the stress and pressure of a bank loan or investors, but some people feel forced into it because they can't afford the start-up costs themselves. The sales to launch method reduces the initial start-up costs greatly, as paying customers who are excited to buy from you will pay for your production; not your life savings or a bank who'll be charging interest.

build a community of followers who love what you do

With this method, we'll be building a loyal following of fans from day one. We can create a community of people who know, like and trust you, which is vitally important for any business, regardless of the business model you use.

In Sales to Launch, I'll show you how you can keep your followers in the loop and get them involved in your brand, so that you can know what they want - allowing you to design for them and sell to them with their needs in mind.


You'll get instant access to this short course and all 13 video lessons which will teach you;

✅ How you can use the pre-selling strategy for your brand

✅ Why it's so important to focus in on your target customer....and how to find them

Marketing strategy and how you get people to buy your products in advance

✅ We'll cover the two main options when it comes to the tech side of your pre-sale campaign...

✅ Plus walk throughs of how to set them up using common software, so you don't have to spend on custom code or web design experts

✅ The key things to include in your campaign to increase buyer conversions (so that more people who discover your brand will buy your products!)

✅ And lots more!


Here's answers to some of the most popular questions I get about the Sales to Launch Course. If your question isn't answered here, you can email and ask me anything!

When will I get access to the content?

When you've made payment, you'll get an email straight away with your login details.

You'll receive all the videos at once, no drip fed content here!

Will selling my products in advance cover all my costs?

Not all of them no, you'll still need to be able to pay for the first samples yourself and operational setup costs, like your website. This is usually the same if you want loans or investors, as they'll want to see samples so they can decide whether to invest.

The sales to launch method aims to cover the cost of the manufacturing, which is usually by far the biggest cost for small brands.

Can't I just Google this stuff?

Google is great. I honestly do not know what I would do without it, it's an incredible hub of knowledge and information. But that’s just it. Google will be able to give you a ton of information – even too much information – about running a fashion business. But Google cannot teach you; it cannot give you specific action steps and a proven formula for success.

Won't it be hard to get manufacturers to agree to this?

Actually, no. In fact this manufacture method is pretty common and it's what's happened in designer fashion for decades (I've just updated the sales method for the digital age). So far, I've not had anyone tell me the manufacturer has had an issue with this - and I first worked with this method in 2012!

I'm Not From England, Does That Matter?

Not at all! We've got members in my courses from 5 different continents, so wherever you are - it doesn't matter! The steps for creating a successful fashion brand aren't reliant upon your location, so wherever you are in the world, there's a way to make your brand happen.

What are the terms and conditions?

You can find the full terms on the payment page before purchasing. This outlines things like; any content is for the purchaser only, the files or videos cannot be shared, copied or distributed in any way. Please note that by purchasing this course, you agree to the terms and conditions.



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